Where can I deliver my donations?

Food: Food can be delivered to our Portwall warehouse location. Please pull up to the dock and let our warehouse team know you’re dropping a food donations for Food from the Bar.

Cash/Checks: Checks must be made out to the Houston Food Bank" and in the memo section, it must say "Food from the Bar, FIRM/ORGANIZATION NAME." Please drop off cash or check donations at our HFB Welcome Desk by May 6th at Noon and they will process your donations.


FFTB How it Works:

Participants will be awarded points for financial and food contributions and volunteering their time at the Houston Food Bank as follows:

· 1 lb. of food = 1 point (no beverages, please see our Most Needed Items List)

· $1 = 3 points

· 1 volunteer = 50 points per volunteer shift


Achievement Awards - All organizations that make a significant contribution to the campaign will receive Achievement Awards.

Bronze Partners - 5,000 points

Silver Partners - 10,000 points

Gold Partners - 15,000 points

Platinum Partners - 20,000 points

Special Awards:

Overall Award - Highest overall combined totals

Best All-Around Award - Outstanding achievement based on total points per capita

Best Law School Award - Best achievement by a law school

Creativity Award - As determined by the Houston Food Bank, the most innovative or unusual means of supporting Food from the Bar campaign

Spirit Award - The most volunteer hours at Houston Food Bank per capita

Foodraiser Award - Awarded to the legal organization who collects the most food