Houston Food Bank

Advocacy Alert: Block granting will block the vulnerable from SNAP

Advocacy Alert: Block granting will block the vulnerable from SNAP

Call to Action

The House Budget Committee has proposed in their 2017 budget plan that SNAP funding should be issued as block grants. This change would cut $125 billion dollars from SNAP by 2026, leaving charity to fill the void.


Currently, the federal government offers unlimited SNAP money and services to any individual who qualifies for the program. This allows our country to respond to hunger in times of need, such as economic downturns and to provide nutritional safety nets during unforeseen events, such as natural disasters.


However, block granting would set a cap on SNAP funds, and would allow state governments increased control of the money. State governments would then have the power to decide who can receive the limited funds and who can be terminated from the program. And most importantly, states would lose the flexibility to respond in times of need, such as after floods or hurricanes.


SNAP benefits are modest at best. The average recipient gets $1.41 per meal. The majority of recipients are children, seniors, working parents, and people with disabilities. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reports that Texas alone would lose $8.4 billion dollars in SNAP funding by 2026, leaving charity and relief organizations to make up the difference.


The House returned to session on April 12, 2016 and failed to meet the April 15 deadline to approve the budget. This means there is still time to contact your Congressperson and tell them that hunger is a national problem! SNAP works and shrinks the response needed by local communities and partner agencies. We urge you to contact your US House Representative and tell them to reject block granting SNAP funds.


If you would like to know more information about how SNAP block granting will affect you, your organization, or the people you serve please contact Public Policy Manager, Valerie Hawthorne, PhD, at 832-851-0303 or vhawthorne@houstonfoodbank.org


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