Houston Food Bank

Help Keep The Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act

The Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) Act is due for reauthorization by Congress. The CNR authorizes all federal school meal and childhood nutrition programs including school breakfast, school lunch, summer food programs, and Women Infants and Children (WIC).  While there are numerous components of the reauthorization that the Houston Food Bank supports, we ask that you ask your Congressman to support “WIC to Six”. When your call is answered please tell the staff member you want to see WIC coverage for children up to six years old in the Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act of 2016.

Currently, children age out of the WIC program on their 5th birthday.  This leaves an age gap before a child is eligible for school meals, since many children do not begin kindergarten until their 6th birthday.  We ask the members of the House of Representatives to include “WIC to Six” in their reauthorization bill, as the Senate has, so that this gap is repaired. If you need help finding your congressperson, please click here or email Valerie Hawthorne to learn more about the Child Nutrition Reauthorization. Advocacy Change Champions

Are you interested in politics? Would you like to help the Houston Food Bank solve hunger and poverty through government interaction? Please sign up to become a Change Champion and help us develop and strengthen relationships with elected officials. Please contact Valerie Hawthorne.


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