Houston Food Bank

SSOP Community Events Team

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The team also hosts community benefits fairs, where multiple vendors are brought in to provide a variety of social services, with a focus on those that provide on-site screenings and application assistance.  The new staff members will allow the team to do more outreach at schools, grocery stores and apartment complexes.  Additionally, the SNAP and Groceries To Go program, which pairs healthy food distributions with social service outreach, is transitioning to primarily servicing nine rural communities that border Harris and are part of the partnership to provide SNAP, TANF, CHIP and Medicaid application assistance between HFB and the Health and Human Services Commission.  That transition is expected to be complete by late summer. 

Kelly A. Zigler
Community Events Supervisor
Social Services Outreach Program
Office: 832 369 9326
Cell: 832 487 6649
Helpline: 832-369-9390


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