Houston Food Bank

Advocacy visits 3/2015


On February 11th, Brian Greene, HFB President and CEO, accompanied by Dr. Pamela Berger, HFB Public Policy Manager and Dr. Valerie Hawthorne, HFB Apple Corps Public Policy Volunteer, visited nine members of the 50-member HFB service area State legislative delegation.  The purpose of our visits was to discuss support for increased funding of a Texas Department of Agriculture grant to food banks for fresh local produce.  Those meetings went well, and will be followed by 12 more on the 26th/ 27th February, including one with the Budget Director for Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, who is from the HFB service area. Ben Samuels of the HFB Board of Directors will join Brian’s team on the upcoming visits with elected officials. 

Our request for increased funding for produce was given initial consideration in the Texas House on February 14thin a Hearing held by a Subcommittee of the Texas House Committee on Appropriations.  On February 18th, the Senate followed suit; our request was considered by the Senate Finance Committee.  Celia Cole, Executive Director of Feeding Texas, formerly known as the Texas Food Bank Network, joined others in offering testimony in each Hearing.

Our main “ask” of the 84th TRLS is that they increase food banks’ funding through the Texas Surplus Agriculture Grant from $2.9M for 2 years to $18M for the same length of time.  This increased funding will enable food banks to supply fresh produce to innovative, evidence–based nutrition education and distribution programs offered by partners-entities.  These programs are designed to provide nutritious food to - and reduce obesity and resulting poor health among - children and their families throughout Texas. 


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