Houston Food Bank

Packed Backpacks.JPGAt Keller Middle School in Pasadena ISD there is a little boy named Thomas. He recently started complaining he was hungry when he’d get to school. At first the teachers didn’t know why he wasn’t eating at home.  They found out from him that his little sister, age 4, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. And the mom quit her job so she could stay with the daughter during hospital visits and treatments. The father is working, but struggling emotionally and financially. With most of their money going towards hospital bills, gas and parking at the hospital, they have little money left over for food.  Thomas immediately started receiving the food sacks from the Food Bank’s Backpack Buddy program. He and his family are so grateful. His teacher received a message from his mother thanking the school for the food and for the program in general.

We can’t make the emotional pain go away from what this family is going through, but we can at least alleviate one worry and help feed Thomas.  Thank you for supporting the Houston Food Bank and helping us respond to the need.

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