Houston Food Bank

Texans player hosts pep rally for West University Elementary school

Duane Brown congratulates the students of the top-raising Houston school for Souper Bowl of Caring

Duane Brown at SBOC pep rallyDuane Brown and the Houston Texans celebrated West University Elementary for being the top Souper Bowl of Caring school in the greater Houston area Friday, March 7.  West U raised over 30,000 pounds of food for the Houston Food Bank through Souper Bowl of Caring, a national hunger-relief campaign running the weeks around the Super Bowl.  Duane Brown, offensive tackle for the Houston Texans, and the Houston Texans cheerleaders hosted an interactive football toss for the students.  Brown thanked the students for their involvement and commitment, awarding the school with an autographed soup pot.

West U students at SBOC pep rallyWest University Elementary principal John Threet and Souper Bowl of Caring president and CEO Clara Cooper also recognized the students for another successful year.  West U was also the top-raising school in last year’s Souper Bowl of Caring campaign for the greater Houston area.  The Houston campaign continues to be the largest Souper Bowl of Caring program in the nation. This year, the community raised 2.3 million meals our neighbors in need. 

The Food Bank is honored to be one of the Texans’ community partners.  The Houston Texans are instrumental in the success of Souper Bowl of Caring, and also support the Food Bank through volunteer events throughout the year, the Lady Texans food drive, and the annual Taste of The Texans event. 


Souper Bowl of Caring is a nationwide, grassroots movement of caring utilizing the energy of the Super Bowl to mobilize youth to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities.  For more information on Souper Bowl of Caring, please visit their website


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