Houston Food Bank

Social Media

Connect with us!

Social Media.jpgIn January, we shared 100 stories on our Houston Food Bank Facebook page.  We thanked our supporters, shared stories on how clients are helped, and let our fans know how they can help.  Can you guess how many people those 100 stories touched? With support from our fans sharing those stories, thank yous, and calls to actions – we were able to reach more than 86,000 people.

YOU can get involved with our social  media efforts as well, if you aren’t already! Check out our posts, photos and updates about our mission of leading the fight against hunger by following us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedInFoursquare, Pinterest and Instagram.  Sharing our stories/posts and mission to your friends and family is another way to help raise awareness on the issue of hunger and how people can get involved in whatever capacity they can. 

Additionally, share with us!  Let us know about your volunteer experience.  Tell us what moves you and why you choose this as your cause. We would love to hear from you.


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