Houston Food Bank

Hunger Mitao.png 


HungerMitao (which translates in English to “Wipe Out Hunger”) began as a rally cry for the Indian-American Council (IAC) founded in 2017 by Raj and Anna Asava at the North Texas Food Bank, to mobilize the Indian-American community around the issue of hunger in Texas by promoting the adage “give where you live” on behalf of local food banks.

A gift of $10 provides 30 meals for a hungry child, senior or adult and any donation you make will lead to significant impact. Thank you for your support!

The Houston Food Bank's virtual food drive allows you to virtually "purchase" food for our neighbors experiencing food insecurity. Please keep in mind that your selections are examples only - your donation will be used where it can have the most impact, not necessarily for the items you select. Virtual food drives like e-meals are tremendously helpful to the Food Bank because they eliminate the supply and transportation costs associated with traditional food drives. And thanks to our wonderful partners in the food industry, every $1 you donate provides three meals to someone in need.


If you have any questions regarding this site, please contact: Shannon Mills smills@houstonfoodbank.org

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